About NafasHub
With the development of new technologies, the speed of information transmission has increased significantly. As people are increasingly drawn to the virtual world, no longer are newspapers and mass media the sole means of dissemination, and any individual or business can produce and distribute content in areas such as news, technology, sports, gaming, and more.
Innovation and Creative thinking are the foundation of product development and service provision at #NAFAS. Our main goal is to always think one step ahead in everything we do: what does the audience want in the future?
Product development based on creativity, coupled with technical expertise and business intelligence, leads to success. Since we are competing for the audience’s leisure time, we are always seeking to develop products that allow the audience to continuously discover new and exciting elements in dynamic stories.
Hyrcanian Forests
Rivers & Canals
Endemic Birds
Logo Analyze
Tourist attractions
Nafas Values
Costumer Relationship Procedure
One of the most important values of NAFAS is maintaining a constructive relationship with customers to ensure their satisfaction.
With the help of powerful customer communications, the quality of project delivery is ensured through the use of organizational performance control and monitoring systems. NAFAS offers unique solutions to challenges and with rapid updates to approaches, provides necessary assurance for continuous support and consultation for customers.
One of the core values of NAFAS is creativity, and executive structures have developed in a creative way to define independent and dynamic processes.